Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Commitment is one of the signs that you really love a person... Sometimes circumstance and distance test us to handle our emotion of being needy, being alone, sad and being desperate to the point of diverting our attention to someone else.. It is also a test of being faithful despite of the unfavorable situations.

It is a great blessing if we find someone who will greatly appreciate us. The person who gives us true love and loves us honestly.

Monday, February 10, 2014

We are not perfect. We all commit mistakes. If someone did bad things to you but eventually asking forgiveness., then forgive! There's no reason for you not to forgive..., even if you're still hurt and wounded.. (; free yourself from the bandage of hatred...

Remember what the bible says: "if your brother sin against you", forgive him not seven times, but seventy-seven times...

Forgiveness is the manifestation of love. If you don't forgive, you don't love...

Battle is about fighting for something or someone. It is by words or by physical, by emotion or mental...

There are different kinds of battle, so we all must be aware. If we fight for something out of our principles and conscience, it will not worth it. If you fight for something just for being dogmatic, it will make no sense. Fight for something valuable, or else don't fight at all for the sake of peace....

One of the most important things in life is the word "Integrity". We should walk what we talk. If we say no, it should be no. And if we say yes, it should be yes. Once you are committed for something or you made promises to someone, make sure that it will be fulfilled without any justification.

People will gauge you accordingly. If you fail once, surely your reputation will be destroyed.

We all know that "Action is better than words" right? You can't prove how much you love a person until you do something for him/her. Love must be transparent., it should be faithful and honest.

Action is the equivalent of True Love and trust is always the foundation. If you can cheat a person you love, it will never be loved anymore and definitely destroy the real essence of love. Can you love someone and yet still cheat on them?, the answer? NO! Cheating ruins relationship.

"I love you" sweet, eh? Lol... so let's learn how to value the real meaning of that sacred words.